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Forest Road

A Bit About Me


Hey, I'm Miguel

During my filmmaking journey, and the birth of our daughter who is now 5 years old, I've uncovered something about myself. I believe that telling stories through film is a form of self-expression for me. Not only capturing authenticity, but real-time moments that can't be duplicated and redone. It truly is one of the purest forms of nostalgia. Looking back and reminiscing about the years gone by,  remembering through talks and laughter with friends or around a campfire. Having something visual to watch years down the road with children and grandchildren, to me seems nothing short of priceless.

My Journey

It all began on four wheels....

With my love of skateboarding, that's essentially where my journey to film began. I started with watching old skate videos on VHS tapes that i would borrow and never return, "well eventually I would". Old school skaters like Rodney Mullen, Kerry Getz and Paul Rodriguez were a few of my favorites! All while trying to imitate their skater lifestyle & skating, I quickly got more and more interested in the filming and editing of what I was watching and thought, I want to film something like this. Then as i approached my senior year of high school, it was time for our senior projects. Then that's when me and some friends got together, borrowed his moms shoulder mounted VHS recorder and started filming. My first skate film was a success, had the judges laughing and applauding our creativity and wished me future success. Fast forward some years later to the present. Multiple jobs, ups, downs, the curve balls life throws at you, and into adulthood. Having started and raising a family, loving wife, the birth of our beautiful daughter, and of course, pursuing what I like to call "MG films in the making", my filmmaking journey.


Facts about me

  • I do sleep with socks on!

  • I pour my cereal first, then the milk!

  • My last name end with a "Z" not an "S"

  • I was married in the 6th grade and had 6 kids, "it was for a school assignment" 




Fairy Lights

Miguel is incredible! We are forever honored to have been his first wedding and couldn’t be more pleased with his work and the wedding video we had hoped for! I cried like a baby when I watched it for the first time and I still cry every time I watch now.. (which is often because it really is that good!) He made us feel so comfortable every step of the way and looked like he had been doing this for years! The passion he has for what he does goes above and beyond and is unmatched! We can’t thank Miguel enough for all he did for us for our wedding day and we would recommend him over and over again! 10/10👏🏻

Taelor & Casey Jones

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